Riverina Touring Network
The Saturday Night Social, Ganmain Hall.
Making way for sustainable touring in the Riverina.
The Riverina Touring Network is a collaboration between Eastern Riverina Arts and local performing arts venues to make touring performances viable and sustainable in our region.
Since its inception in 2023 the Riverina Touring Network has delivered seven performing arts tours to a variety of halls and theatres across the footprint of Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Junee, Snowy Valleys and Wagga Wagga local councils.
Project Benefits
SUSTAINABLE TOURING enjoy the benefits of group buy-in and sharing resources across the tour leg.
CAPACITY BUILDING support for performance venues of various types and sizes.
NEW PRODUCTIONS and quality tours made accessible to Riverina audiences.
INDUSTRY REPRESENTATION strengthening the regional connection with performing tourers.
What we offer
Agile tour offerings suitable for village halls and small-town venues
Producing support to facilitate flagship tours in the Riverina and beyond
How to get involved
For upcoming performances and ticketing in the region, check our News page or subscribe by click the button at the top right of this page.
If you’re an interested venue, get in touch to find out more about upcoming tour opportunities.
Are you planning a tour to the region? We recommend first reaching out Arts On Tour for assistance with regional NSW touring and to assess the viability of your tour, or contact our Tour Producer if you have audience connections in the Riverina.
Past productions
Riverina Touring Network Strategic Review
The Riverina Touring Network is a project led by Eastern Riverina Arts, supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW and the Commonwealth Government through the Regional Arts Fund.
A Little Bit of Blue is an interactive detective show for families, told with puppetry. As well as helping to unravel a mystery, the audience will learn about the extraordinary habits of the Australian Satin Bowerbird, and why they are so fascinated by the colour blue.