Walan Gugaa: Strong Goanna (Wiradjuri), by Aunty Lorraine Tye. Image: Kate Howarth
What is Auspicing?
To 'auspice' means to manage funds and keep financial records on behalf of a grant recipient. The group or person requiring support is known as the 'auspicee' and the entity (usually an incorporated organisation) that auspices the group or person is known as the 'auspicor'.
Perhaps you have found a grant that you’d like to apply for but don’t quite fit the criteria. Auspicing may be the solution for you. If you live/work in the Eastern Riverina Arts region, we may be able to help you out by auspicing your grant. Please read below to find out more, before contact us.
Why would I need Auspicing?
When an individual or a group of individuals want to run a one-off project (such as an exhibition, performance or show) they may not want to create a formal legal entity just to meet the eligibility requirements for a single funding opportunity or project. This is when you might want to have your project auspiced.
If Eastern Riverina Arts auspices your project, it means that our details are provided in your funding application. If you are successful, we receive the funding on your behalf, and create a contractual agreement with you that outlines how we will administer those funds for you. You remain in control of the project, but all project expenses get paid through our account system. Over the duration of the project we manage payments and reimbursements in accordance with your grant agreement, and provide detailed financial records that you can use to report on (“acquit”) your grant activities to the funder.
Every auspicing relationship will be different and there may be additional issues that need to be negotiated in order to take account of the specific circumstances of your project, or specific requirements of the Funding Body.
Things You Need to Know
Our Fee
We charge an Auspicing administration fee of 7.5% of your granted funds. You can build this fee into the project budget you put in your grant application. For example, if the project budget is $3000, we would deduct a $225 admin fee, leaving you with $2775 funds to spend on your project. This fee covers our financial management costs, which include administration and a public audit process. This is a very low fee compared to the industry standard, which we provide as a community service in our region.
While we handle the financial admin for your project, you the auspice are still in charge. This also means that you remain solely responsible for the project and any liabilities that arise from it. It is therefore a condition of our arrangement that you obtain suitable insurance coverage
You can usually add an insurance quote to your project budget and purchase if the grant is successful (Artsure provide a very good insurance coverage to artists and creative events). You can find more insurance options on our resources page.
Finally, we may not be able to auspice every request we receive. We reserve the right to refuse project proposals that don’t align with our values, policies and strategic objectives, and as a small team we have to manage our capacity. Start the process as early as possible and we’ll do what we can for you.
To start this conversation, and no later than 14 days from the due date of your funding application, please fill in the auspicing enquiry form using the link below.
For Auspiced Projects
Click here to access the Reimbursement Claim Form for Auspiced Projects.
What’s next?
Eastern Riverina Arts will contact you to discuss your project.
If your funding/grant application is successful an Auspicing Agreement between you and Eastern Riverina Arts will be created, outlining the obligations and rights of each party. After that, you can focus on the fun stuff and get your project rolling!