** PLATFORM is presently not available for hire **
The goal of PLATFORM from Eastern Riverina Arts is to makes it easier for people with disability to attend festivals in regional NSW.
This is what PLATFORM has to offer:
AN ACCESSIBLE SPACE TO CHILL OUT —an exciting new space for people of all ages and abilities. Our modified shipping container disguises a sanctuary of soft music, slow moving lights, interactive tactile objects, weighted blankets and lots of fluffy cushions, making PLATFORM the perfect place to engage the senses or just take some time out.
Throughout the course of an event, PLATFORM can be reserved as a quiet space for individual festival goers with disability and sensory related needs and their carers.
INCREASED ACCESSIBILITY EVENT-WIDE — Each festival is different, and we can work with you to identify and achieve accessibility improvements and projects. Ask us for copies of our Accessible Guide for Festivals and pocket guides for volunteers to help you plan and deliver events that are accessible and welcoming.
SHOWCASING ARTISTS WITH DISABILITY — The PLATFORM chill out space has been designed by Bliss Cavanagh from Studio Bliss. Bliss is a sensory artist & designer, PhD researcher and a passionate advocate for mental health.
The team can also source for you visual artists, performers, and musicians with disability to entertain and challenge festival goers.
MARKETING — PLATFORM comes with a suite of digital marketing tools including logos, social media tiles and images, to help you promote your event.
Platform was made possible through an ILC Linkages grant from the National Disability Insurance Agency.
Hanna Cormick in The Mermaid.
Platform Live
The PLATFORM project culminated in PLATFORM Live, an online one-day festival featuring some of Australia's boldest, funniest, creative, and most provocative artists and performers with disability.
Broadcast on 27 June 2021, PLATFORM Live comprised 4 online sessions: PLATFORM Ideas, Screen, Words and Stage.
Curated by Hanna Cormick (pictured) and Daniel Savage, who both identify as artists with disability, the festival was supported by audio description, closed captions and Auslan.