Riverina Touring Network presents: Trinket the Robot
A Little Robot who longs to become “real”…
but is he ready for what it means to be alive?
Get your tickets for Trinket the Robot
Trinket the Robot is an enthralling tale about a little robot who longs to become “real”–but is he ready for what it means to be alive? An inventor, Dr Doovalacky, sets out to build a robot with the help of his assistant, a green caterpillar named Gizmo. But this robot will be no ordinary robot. Trinket will be able to have feelings like a “real human,” and the audience needs to help him learn about the world. Trinket learns that to become human is not only to feel wonder and joy, but also to feel anger, fear and the sadness of having to say goodbye to someone when you don’t want to.
Based on the tale of Pinocchio, Trinket the Robot is a lively, funny, interactive solo show by Little Wing Puppets that explores emotions and offers ways for children to understand different feelings.
“The children were captivated by the show. They laughed and some cried. Trinket the Robot was entertaining and thoughtful in dealing with emotions.”
- Lisa Hicks, Early Childhood Educator, KU Killarney Heights, NSW
About the company:
Little Wing Puppets specialise in original heart-warming puppet shows, full of big ideas and fun, all packed up and ready to travel to family audiences. Through their performances and workshops, young people are invited to become part of the theatrical experience rather than being simply spectators. The company is committed to environmental education, weaving together stories about our unique natural heritage, in a way that is light-hearted and entertaining. Little Wing Puppets have performed to over 50,000 children and in numerous festivals, theatres and country halls in every state and territory of Australia, as well as overseas.
To book a ticket to a Riverina performance of Trinket the Robot, please follow the buttons below for the date and venue you would like to attend:
The Junee Athenium
Thursday 5th December - Performance times 10.30am, 1.45pm
The Tumut Montreal Community Theatre
Friday 6th December - Performance time 10.30am