Horizons - Creative Industries Career Launchpad

If you are a young creative (writer, maker, musician, painter, illustrator, animator, filmmaker, photographer, etc.) this opportunity is for you!

Horizons is a state-wide regional project that provides direct intensive support to young people (aged 16-27) wanting to pursue a career in the creative industries. It is an opportunity for 75 young people from across regional NSW to showcase their talents, gain experience, build valuable industry networks and kick start their creative career.

Participants will:

  • Be paired with a mentor who is a practicing artist or creative industries person working in Regional NSW

  • Work with their mentor to codesign their program according to their needs and goals throughout  2024 

  • Receive a stipend of $750 just for participating in this project. Approved travel expenses and associated material costs will also be covered.

  • Work on a collective showcase that addresses pressing issues for regional young people through collaborating with the 75 other participants. 

What’s in it for you?

Personal Growth - Horizons is not just a project; it's a platform for your personal growth and development. Through engaging workshops, mentorship opportunities, and hands-on experiences, you will acquire valuable skills, boost your self-confidence, and uncover your unique strengths.

Community Impact - We believe in the power of young people to create meaningful change. Participating in Horizons you'll have the chance to work on a collective showcase that addresses pressing issues for regional young people. Your ideas and contributions will play a crucial role in shaping a better future for all.

Networking and Friendship - Connect with like-minded peers who share your passion for making a difference. You'll forge lasting friendships, expand your networks, and build a support system that will benefit you long after the project ends.

Mentorship - Gain insights and guidance from experienced mentors who are eager to help you succeed. Their expertise and encouragement will be invaluable as you navigate your personal and professional journey.

Fun and Creativity - Horizons is not all work and no play! We believe in fostering a fun and creative environment where you can explore your talents, express your ideas, and enjoy every moment of your participation.

No Cost – Horizons will not cost you a cent, in fact we will pay you a stipend of $750 for your involvement and effort.  Approved travel expenses and associated material costs will also be covered.

If you are between the ages of 16-27, enthusiastic about learning, and eager to contribute to your community, we would love to have you on board! Whether you have prior experience in the creative industries or are just starting your journey, your dedication and passion are what matter most.

How to Apply

Send an email to exec@easternriverinaarts.org.au before midnight, Sun 29 October.

Your email needs to contain:

  • A little bit about you (including your age and where you live), your creative practice, and what kind of creative career you'd like to have in the future!

  • Your contact details (phone and email)

  • A link to any relevant portfolios of your creative work, if you have them (eg instagram, soundcloud, a dropbox folder of some of your work, a link to your creativeriverina.com profile).

  • If you are under 18 you will need permission from a parent or caretaker.

Horizons – Creative Industries Career Launchpad is funded by through the Regional Youth Incentive Program of the Office of Regional Youth and the NSW Regional Arts Network.

The Regional Arts Network (RAN) consists of 15 Regional Arts Development Organisations (RADO’s) supporting and advocating for arts development and engagement across Regional NSW. Find out more about the network.


Nightmare Soup Exhibition


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