Have your say on new policy for arts, culture & creative industries in NSW

Image: Gregory Carosi, Dead Reckoning. Photograph: Tayla Martin. Image courtesy Wagga Wagga Art Gallery.

It’s as simple as leaving a social media comment.

NSW needs an inclusive, sustainable and ambitious approach to arts and culture. The NSW Government are calling on artists, creative industry practitioners, musicians, organisations and community members to contribute their insights.

The voice of regional creatives - your voice - is critical to making sure the policy reflects and supports our region. Your feedback will help develop innovative solutions and address challenges to foster growth in the arts and cultural sector.

Tips for writing your response

  • Introduce yourself and your creative field: begin by stating who you are, your creative field (musician, artist, writer, etc.), and where you're based.

  • Acknowledge positive experiences you’ve had: mention any programs, initiatives, or organizations that have positively impacted your career or creative practice. Express appreciation for the Governments support through funding those programs / organisations.

  • Express support for the policy: explain why you believe this policy is important, especially for our regional creative community.

  • Suggest specific improvements: offer practical suggestions for what changes you think would be beneficial.  

  • Highlight broader impact: Explain how implementing your suggestions can benefit not only your particular creative field but also our regional community as a whole.

Still unsure? Here are some examples:

Feel free to copy & paste the bits you agree with, phrase it in your own words, or say something completely different! What matters is that you show why arts and culture matter to you and to your community.

Expand the sections below to read some of our submission ideas, then click Make Your Submission Now to start your submission!

  • Hello, I'm a professional musician/performer/band based in [Your Town], Riverina NSW. I've been a part of the vibrant music scene here for [X years], performing with my band [Band Name] and collaborating with local artists. It's encouraging to see the NSW Government focusing on supporting the Creative Industries through this new policy. I strongly believe that nurturing creative talents in regional areas is crucial.

    I'd like to express my gratitude for the efforts of Music NSW regional music officers and their development of the Regional Touring Network tool. This invaluable resource has connected artists like me with opportunities to tour and showcase our music across different regional communities. The dedication of Music NSW in supporting our growth has been instrumental.

    In light of the changing audience behaviour following the COVID-19 pandemic, I emphasise the need for increased investment in touring support. As live performances and touring have been affected, adapting to these changes is essential. By allocating resources for enhanced touring infrastructure, such as transport subsidies, venue partnerships, and promotional assistance, we can make touring more viable and sustainable.

    My local Regional Arts Development Organisation Eastern Riverina Arts have been developing the Riverina Touring Network in order to create pathways to empower local artists to embark on their first tour, and make a way for sustainable touring in our region. Support for programs like this is needed to embed a self-sustaining tour network and bring its benefits to our region for years to come.

    To further nurture the regional music scene, I propose the inclusion of more initiatives aimed at developing and connecting musicians in regional areas. Providing resources for workshops, mentorship programs, and access to recording facilities could greatly benefit us. Moreover, support for regional musicians to attend music festivals and industry events would help us establish connections and gain exposure.

    By investing in the regional music community and continuing to support the work of Music NSW and regional arts development organisations, we can amplify our unique voices, enrich local culture, and attract visitors to our region to build a more vibrant and resilient regional music landscape.

  • Hi, I'm a professional working in the TV industry and I work for [xxx] company and do [yyy] kind of work here in [place]. I'm glad the NSW Government wants to do more to support the Creative Industries through this policy.

    I believe that it's vital that creative industries people in the regions are supported. I'd like to see more [insert your own thoughts here or] programs targeted at growing and connecting regional creative industries sector. If some targeted assistance was provided to help regional creative industries practitioners connect into industry (e.g. through placements and attachment programs like for example Screenworks Set For Success, or support to attend industry gatherings) there's a whole regional workforce that could be unlocked to support the screen industry.

    My local Regional Arts development Organisation Eastern Riverina Arts have been developing the Digital Content Strategy which is looking at the gaps and opportunities to develop and connect my industry. This will include research into the value of regional creative hubs such as The Station Creative Workspace, which need support to nurture industry growth.

    Growing our regional creative industries sector also will support more regional stories being told, increase tourism opportunities and provide economic sustainability to regional communities.

  • Hi, I am a visual artist/graphic designer/photographer residing in [Your Town], NSW. Over the years, I've been fortunate to contribute to the local arts scene by [insert your words… eg. showcasing my work in galleries and participating in community projects]. It's exciting to see the NSW Government's commitment to supporting the Creative Industries through its new policy.

    Offering grants for regional artist residencies, collaborative projects, and workshops would invigorate our practice and enhance our artistic skills. Programs such as the Country Arts Support Program and small council grants are vital for emerging artists to create new bodies of work, and get the project management skills that are critical to securing larger grants in the future.

    My local Regional Arts development Organisation Eastern Riverina Arts have been developing The Station Creative Workspace to provide artists, companies and creative entrepreneurs a launchpad to experiment, collaborate and showcase new work. Projects like these are extremely important to providing space and opportunity to emerging and mid-career creatives like me, and need government support to nurture the growth of creative industries regionally.

    Providing support for regional artists like me to exhibit in galleries through artist fees, travel subsidies and placement programs would be instrumental in establishing connections across the wider art world.

    Regional Galleries are pivotal to the development of regional artists and essential cultural tourism venues. They contribute to the vibrancy of regional communities, but require local government funding to keep the doors open. More help is needed to ensure they can in the programming, residencies and curatorial excellence that we so desperately need.

    Collecting institutions must be encouraged to distribute their collections to regional galleries and resourced to provide regional outreach programs that upskill and nurture the workforces of regional galleries and museums.

    By investing in regional visual artists, the policy can facilitate a thriving arts ecosystem that showcases our diverse perspectives and contributes to the cultural fabric of our communities. This, in turn, can attract art enthusiasts, tourists, and buyers, fostering economic growth in regional areas.

  • Hello, I am a writer based in [Your Town], NSW, and [insert what you write here]. The focus of the NSW Government on supporting the Creative Industries through its new policy is indeed heartening. I believe that nurturing the talents of regional writers is essential for a thriving arts and culture landscape that represents the breadth and diversity of living in NSW.

    Supporting writer-in-residence programs, writing retreats, and providing funding for literary festivals would empower us to hone our craft and connect with fellow writers. Supporting regional writing centres (such as the Booranga Writers Centre) is essential to providing these kinds of opportunities at a local level, developing the regional writing community and connecting us to broader networks. Additionally, offering financially supported opportunities to attend writing conferences and book fairs would enable us to engage with the broader literary industry.

    By investing in regional writers, the NSW Government policy can amplify unique regional voices, preserve local narratives, and attract audiences who wish to engage with Australian stories from every place..

  • Hello, I am a performing artist based in [Your Town], NSW, with a passion for [type of performing arts you're involved in, e.g., theatre, dance, etc.]. I have dedicated [X years] to honing my craft and contributing to the local performing arts scene.

    I'm excited to see the NSW Government's commitment to supporting the Creative Industries through its new policy. As a regional practitioner, I believe it is vital that the new policy supports creatives living regionally.

    I would like to acknowledge the positive impact of [mention any relevant programs or initiatives that have supported your performing arts community, e.g., local theatre groups, theatre courses, etc.]. These efforts have not only broadened skills but also strengthened the cultural fabric of our region.

    In order to further cultivate the performing arts in regional areas, I think it is important that investments are made that foster skill development, collaboration, and engagement. Workshops, training programs, and mentorship opportunities would empower regional performers to enhance their abilities and contribute to enriching our communities.

    Additionally, in light of the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe it's crucial to invest in supporting new approaches to engage audiences. My local Regional Arts Development Organisation Eastern Riverina Arts have been developing the Riverina Touring Network in order to create pathways to empower local artists to embark on their first tour, and make a way for sustainable touring in our region. Support for programs like this is needed to develop more self-sustaining touring networks and bring its benefits to our region for years to come.


Riverina Comedy Club Tour


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