Dark Forest

Man playing guitar.

Trees have always stood in the background of our lives, silent witnesses to our joys and tragedies… 

In the mountains we have taken their abundance for granted, but now, there are spaces where their shade once fell.  This work gives voice to the trees of Pilot Hill, assigns them stories of their own beyond that of survival.

“Dark Forest is not so much a collaboration, but a collective of authors each contributing their creativity and talent to make the trees speak, and to help the people of this region memorialise and celebrate. They are participating simply because I asked them for help. This in itself is an echo of the generosity we of the Snowy  experienced from across Australia and the world during the fires—and so Dark Forest nods to that overwhelming spirit of solidarity in its creation, as much as it commemorates the green giants we lost to the flames, and celebrates what survived.” - Sulari Gentill

Dark Forest was conceived as an experience for participants of the Arbour Festival to connect stories with real trees that exist in the Pilot Hill Arboretum in the Bago state forest NSW. Curated by Batlow-based author Sulari Gentill.

Re-live the experience by visiting Pilot Hill Arboretum and find each tree by downloading this map.



Name: Ulmus Procera (English Elm)

Writer: Robert Gott

Narrated by: Grant Luhrs

Position: 46

Date planted: 1960

Ponderosa Pine

Name: P. Ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine)

Writer: Melinda Smith

Narrator: Moyra Shields

Position: 27

Date planted: 1936

False White Pine

Name: Pinus Pneudo-strobus var. tenuifolia (False White Pine)

Writer: John M. Green

Narrator: Tim Kurylowicz

Position: 39

Date planted: 1960

Eucalyptus Regnans

Name: Alpine Ash (Eucalyptus Regnans)

Writer: Angela Savage

Narrator: Moyra Shields

Date planted: extant

Incense Cedar

Name: Calocedrus Cecurrens (Incense Cedar)

Writer: Sulari Gentill

Narrator: Sulari Gentill

Position: 44

Date planted: 1955

Tree Story

Name: Sequoiauenuren giganteuz (Big Tree)

Writer: Daniel O'Malley

Narrator: Kate Kynaston

Position: 14

Date planted: 1925

The Christmas Tree

Name: Picca rubons (Red Spruce)

Writer: Victoria McGrath

Narrator: Grant Luhrs

Position: 34

Date planted: 1942

The Lonely Pine

Name: Scots Pine

Writer: L.J.M. Owen

Narrator: Sophie Kurylowicz

Position: 7

Date planted: 1924

Blood and Bone

Name: Larix Kaempfori (Japanese Larch)

Writer: Kaaron Warren

Narrator: Robert Beegling

Position: 24

Date planted: 1930

Sitka Spruce

Name: Picea sitchensis (Sitka Spruce)

Writer: Karen Viggers

Narrator: Val Rooney

Position: 19

Date planted: 1931

The Tree

Name: Petula alba (European White Birch)

Writer: Josh Langley

Narrator: Sophie Kurylowicz

Position: 45

Date planted: 1960